it all began with two little cluckers...
Hatched in the rolling hills of northern Florida, ashton and emmie knew as we little cluckers they were born to be "snow birds". with the purchase of a mailing label ticket they hopped on the usps truck headed second day air for Michigan. excited to make thier fame and fortune in the motor city they cooped in with the svart chick and family. together they scratch around ideas for their next photoshoot hoping to be noticed with their fowl good looks and silly personalities.
you had the power all along my dear
svart chick... who is that ?
the usps rang up the svart chick when Ashton and emjie arrived in Michigan. both were nervous at first but quickly grew into their fowl personalities on her suburban farm. she feeds and caters to their needs for vitamin water, sunflower seeds and gourmet chicken feed. they love to wake her early with their off tune vocals and often show their love and sometimes lack of affection with love pinches for all she does and doesn't do for them. Ashton and emmie like to dress up using her props, shoes, glasses, party wear and anything else they can fit into creating fun images of true life moments in the svart chicks world.
still a spring chicken
Ashton moved to Michigan with emmie in the fall of 2017 and spent the winter building his character portfolio. HE's a fan of vitamin water and hasn't met a bag of feed he doesn't like and rarely turns away from a meal worm or sunflower seed snack. Ashton is up at dawn yet often before if a full moon reflection or neighbor light shimmers off the canal out his coop window. HE dreams of going to New York giving up the country life to live and work in the big city. he gets svart chicks attention if he doesn't like the direction things are going and doesn't hesitate to communicate his feelings toward her jack Russel terrier, zoey. He keeps in top shape by doing wing workouts and cage fighting moves for agility with emmie.
imitation of svart chick
Emmie agreed to move with Ashton in hopes of making a name for herself. she's been building her modeling portfolio during the long Michigan winter months. Emmie longs to move out into a bigger coop a place to call her own. Lacking a fear of heights She dreams of moving right to the top, a penthouse coop with a view. emmie enjoys dressing up to create a character or act out movie lines. She has a flare for the sweet, innocent roles yet can do sarcastic well too. she take her modeling very serious and is all business on set when the strobe lights start to pop. emmie eats like a bird on set and passes on sunflower seeds when available through craft services.. the portrait above is emmies impersonation of the svart chick..